Get Treatment For Tmj Austin

Get treatment for TMJ Austin


Vikram Kumar

TMJ Austin which is also called lockjaw is a pretty dangerous disease that can be caused by an infection in any wound on the body. This condition is actually known as tetanus and can be very serious. In some cases this disease can prove to be fatal as well. Some lockjaw cases are caused due to an impacted wisdom tooth. Though this condition is not as severe as the one caused by tetanus, it can be equally painful. It is important to consult your dentist in Austin on an emergency basis, the minute you notice any one of the TMJ symptoms.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of TMJ Austin. It is critical that immediate treatment be sought even if it is remotely suspected that a person is suffering from it. There are numerous symptoms of lockjaw. One of the main symptoms of tetanus is a distinct stiffness in the jaw. This stiffness could also radiate to the neck or may cover the jaw and neck. In some cases the person who suffers from this condition may find it very difficult or painful to swallow food. There can be difficulty in chewing as well.


This stiffness has a tendency to travel in the opposite direction and muscles that are located higher-up in the face may also stiffen-up and it is not just the jaw-line that gets affected. In some cases or ones that have progressed further, the muscles in the areas that have been affected may stiffen and spasm. The spasms may occur in the jaw, the neck or the face areas. Sometimes, they affect just one segment of the face and it seems like the person is grinning. With the progression of the disease, the body may exhibit one or all of these symptoms and are an indication that the body is in great distress.

Unfortunately, these symptoms are, in many cases, non-specific. What this means is that a person who is suffering from the disease may not necessarily realize exactly what the affliction is. Some people who suffer from tetanus also develop hypertensive issues and high fever. Pain is another symptom of tetanus. This pan may be localized in the jaw region or in the neck and face areas. In some cases the pain may either spread or be specific to the back or abdominal muscles. Sometimes the pain may be concentrated in the area where the actual wound was.

This pain would be very different from what could be commonly expected from a wound that is in different stages of healing. This condition can be a very frightening one. The person who suffers from it may not be able to speak, open their mouth or eat. Check with your dentist in Austin about whether muscle relaxants will help in reliving lockjaw. The tenseness in the muscles causes them to stay contracted despite the fact that they are not being used. Sometimes a dentist might prescribe anti-inflammatory medication. If the lockjaw is caused due to inflammation or an abscess this medication may be beneficial. Never ignore any symptoms and consult a dentist immediately.

Austin Laser Dentist treats

TMJ Austin

. A

Dentist in Austin

will be able to identify the symptoms and will start the necessary treatment.

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Get treatment for TMJ Austin